Archives for the month of: June, 2014

I was reminiscing about silly things one morning while preparing for work and all of a sudden these overwhelmingly warm and defined emotions covered me. I started crying and questioning what I was feeling and trying to accept the realities of these emotions. I did not realize that the love that I have for a friend and confidant had changed silently to a more intimate friend and confidant relationship.  . I have not experienced this before and it took me by surprise. I treasure these feelings in my heart and hold it silent to my lips. In my poetry will be the only time I share.


Silent Appearance

Unknown to me that you could be.

Unwilling to realize my feelings are free.

No plans for me to be with thee.

My role in your life is interceding for you, not “being” with you.

Tears filled with shame.

Emotions of deceit.

Thoughts awakening reality.

Praying, “Lord forgive me please”.

I was not looking.

I did not see.

How could this be?

My heart is gasping for clarity?

Love came, but did not warn me.

Revealing of its appearance is taboo you see.

You’re my friend, my confidant; with you I am free to be me.

As the wind whispers silently over the waters, so will I.

Quieting the awakening in me.

Accepting the warmth of you from afar.

Reminiscing of our innocent friendship shared.

Acknowledging we do think in pairs.

Allowing grace to decide our place.

Twine would be by the Devine.

Unknown to me that you could be.

Unwilling to realize my feelings are free.

Love came, but did not warn me.

My friend, my confidant, what do I do?

This question, I will not ask of you.

As the wind whispers silently over the waters, so will I too whisper silently my love for you.

By: Deb’orah Momon

dated: June 14, 2014 at 3:40am


There are times it takes me a while to fall asleep.  So I relax my mind by clearing my thoughts.



Closing my eyes to sleep is like speeding cars on a race track.

I swiftly move around one thought after another to clear my mind to relax.

When I get to you, I slow down to love you with my thoughts.

Sleep until morn.

By: Deb’orah Momon

dated: June 22, 2014 at 1:41 am